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Car Enthusiast's Guide: 2024 GMC Shock Absorber Selection and Maintenance

Jan 03,2024 | LOBO ZEAN

As a car enthusiast, you know that the quality of your ride depends as much on the parts you can't see as on those you can. One of the most crucial components for ensuring a smooth, safe drive in your 2024 GMC is the shock absorber. In this guide, we'll delve into how to select the best shock absorbers for your vehicle and maintain them for peak performance.

Understanding Shock Absorbers

Shock absorbers, also known as dampers, are essential in controlling the movement of your vehicle's springs and suspension. They play a pivotal role in your vehicle's handling and comfort, absorbing and dissipating energy from road bumps and irregularities.

Types of Shock Absorbers for GMC

  1. Standard Shock Absorbers: Ideal for everyday driving and offer a balance between comfort and control.
  2. Gas-filled Shock Absorbers: These contain a gas charge that reduces aeration, offering a firmer ride, often preferred for performance driving.
  3. Heavy-duty Shock Absorbers: Designed for GMCs used for towing or carrying heavy loads. They provide additional stability and load-carrying capacity.
  4. Adjustable Shock Absorbers: Allow for customizable ride settings, ranging from soft to firm, suitable for enthusiasts who tweak their vehicle's performance according to their driving needs.

Selection Tips for 2024 GMC

When selecting shock absorbers, consider your driving style, the typical terrain you drive on, and your vehicle's specific model. For a 2024 GMC, ensure that the shocks are compatible with the latest suspension designs and weight specifications. Also, consider aftermarket brands known for quality and durability.

Maintenance Tips

  1. Regular Inspection: Check your shock absorbers for signs of wear, such as leaks, dents, or any noticeable performance issues like excessive bouncing or swaying during turns.
  2. Clean Regularly: Dirt and grime can damage the shock absorber's seals. Regular cleaning helps prolong their life.
  3. Alignment and Balancing: Keep your vehicle's tires aligned and balanced. Misalignment can lead to uneven wear on the shock absorbers.
  4. Listen for Noises: Any unusual noises when driving over bumps or during turns can be a sign of worn shock absorbers.

When to Replace

The longevity of shock absorbers varies, but a general guideline is to inspect them every 50,000 miles. Signs that it's time to replace them include:

  • Unusual tire wear
  • Prolonged stopping distances
  • Reduced handling and cornering ability
  • Hydraulic fluid leaks from the shock absorber


Your 2024 GMC deserves the best to maintain its performance and ensure a safe, enjoyable driving experience. By carefully selecting and maintaining your shock absorbers, you ensure that your vehicle remains in top condition, providing you with a smooth ride for years to come. Remember, regular check-ups and being attentive to your vehicle's performance are key to timely maintenance and replacements.

